ニューヨークのMOMA storeで購入したものです。MOMA美術館でsolo exhibitionが行っているED RUSCHAの作品をmotifにして作られたキャップです。日本では未発売で入手困難の貴重な商品です。今のどころ値下げは考えておりません。即購入可。MoMA Exclusive: This 100% cotton cap features a reproduction of Ed Ruscha’s painting BOSS (1961). The BOSS motif on the cap is embroidered at a small business in Los Angeles that was established in 1978. We chose this company because LA is Ruscha’s home, a place where he has drawn inspiration from the architecture, colloquial speech and popular culture. The Ed Ruscha Boss Cap is adjustable and one size fits most. Ed RuschaBorn in Nebraska in 1937, Ed Ruscha and his artwork is closely related to his home of Los Angeles, where he attended Chouinard Art Institute. During his Pop art and beat generation years, he was known for exploiting the elastic scale of words: “OOF,” “SPAM,” and “HONK.” Later works channel the landscapes of Southern California, including Hollywood, such as his Mountain Series. His work is represented in MoMA's collection.